понедельник, 27 февраля 2012 г.

VIC: Main Stories in today's Melbourne newspapers

AAP General News (Australia)
VIC: Main Stories in today's Melbourne newspapers

MELBOURNE, Aug 22 AAP - The main stories in today's Melbourne newspapers:


Page 1: An Australian cocaine dealer has given police the names of his celebrities
customers. Olivia Newton-John's boyfriend, Patrick McDermott, is missing.

Page 2: Pope Benedict XVI announced that Sydney will host the World Youth Day in 2008.

Page 3: A fire killed an elderly couple who were unable to escape their home.

World: Israeli troops continued to remove the last remaining Jews from the Gaza strip
in what is an historic operation.

Finance: Mitsubishi Australia has reported a $588 million loss in the past year.

Sport: Western Bulldogs still have the chance to make the AFL finals but face tough odds.

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