понедельник, 12 марта 2012 г.

Conferences called out for concussion policies

HOUSTON - A member of the House Judiciary Committee criticizedthe biggest conferences in college athletics Monday for failing toadopt policies on handling athlete concussions that go beyond whatsrequired by the NCAA. During a committee hearing on head injuries incollege and youth football, Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., chidedleagues such as the Southeastern Conference and Big 12 for notimplementing tougher rules. He first asked Ron Courson, director ofsports medicine at the University of Georgia and a member of theNCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects ofSports, if any conferences had tougher policies. When he said thatthey did not, Cohen seemed incensed. Dont you think thats anindictment of each of the conferences? That they accept the minimumthat the NCAA mandates? Cohen said. Shouldnt conferences and schoolsget together and have some stricter regulations? The hearing is thethird held by the committee, though the first two focused onproblems in the NFL. Chairman John Conyers, D-Mich, said morehearings will be held throughout the country on head injuries insports. Cohen suggested that college athletic programs only seem tocare about bringing in money and winning. Its money, money, moneyand health care ought to be considered, Cohen said. When you hearthat no college conference has any standards different from theNCAA, thats minimalism. Thats doing the least we can do to get alongand thats wrong. Somebody ought to have a rule and stand up and be aleader. Much of the hearing focused on the safety of youth sports.Dr. Bennet Omalu is a co-Founder of the Brain Injury ResearchInstitute at West Virginia University. He testified that childrenunder 18 should be held out for three months following a concussionto lower the risk of irreversible brain damage.

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