пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

FED: Wrinkles need no longer be a headache

FED: Wrinkles need no longer be a headache

A medical conference in Sydney has been told it may be possible to cure migraine bysurgically removing muscles from the forehead, face or back of the neck.

American plastic surgeon BAHMAN GUYURON says he stumbled upon the discovery after performingbrow-lifts on patients to get rid of their wrinkles.

During a brow lift, the skin of the forehead is cut open and the surgeon removes musclesand replaces them with fat harvested from the patient's cheekbones.

The procedure is performed on several thousand Australians each year.

Dr GUYURON says his investigations began almost four years ago after brow lift patientstold him their migraines had disappeared after surgery.

Dr GUYURON's explanation turns on the head other theories of migraine which suggestthe pain begins in the brain and travels outwards.

He is halfway through a five-year study involving 125 patients and has also found thatbotox injections work against migraine.

AAP RTV jjs/wz/rp


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